Learn more about your users by watching them interact with your product (and now your in-app experiences 🎉) with our new integrations to FullStory, Hotjar, and LogRocket.
With these powerful integrations, you can pass both flow interaction and click-to-track events from Appcues, making it easier to get deeper insights in a matter of minutes.
Here are some of the top ways you can use these integrations to optimize your in-app experiences:
  • Watch users interact with flows to ensure they are working as intended, the copy is clear, the content displays as desired, etc.
  • Identify users who offer a negative NPS score, then watch their session to understand their in-product interactions and frustration better
  • Track users who fail to complete core flows, then watch their session to understand why
  • Measure engagement with a beta or new product, then discover how users are exploring the feature and what additional in-app guidance might be needed
  • Spot user issues, confusion, or points of friction in a session and quickly create or adjust your Appcues flows to limit those problems
These integrations are available now for all Essentials, Growth, and Enterprise customers–login to set one up.
Note: You'll need a FullStory, Hotjar, or LogRocket account and their JS snippet installed in your app to utilize the Appcues integration.