
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Reduce support tickets by providing on-demand guides and content to the right user, on the right page (without developers). Launchpads (now in Beta 🧪) can help you:
  • Minimize user confusion and frustration
  • Boost adoption with on-demand guidance
  • Deflect low-priority support tickets
The best news? Every customer on every Appcues plan can build a Launchpad. 🎉🙌
📌 Why Launchpads?
Users don't want to stop their workflow to find answers. With Launchpads, they don't have to. Provide guidance right when and where they need it most, so users keep progressing without interruption.
🎯 What can I do with Launchpads?
Gather your most helpful content to keep users engaged. Share:
  • Resources & Education:
    Help users expand their knowledge independently with useful flows.
  • Releases:
    Inform users about changes and guide them through new features.
  • Notifications:
    Highlight important announcements and tasks where they'll be seen.
  • Help:
    Provide support documents, contact info, and feedback flows.
⭐️ What's New?
We heard your feedback on the last version of Launchpad. Here are some of the top improvements:
  • No code needed:
    Build Launchpads with just clicks, similar to Checklists.
  • Multiple Launchpads:
    Create several for different audiences and purposes.
  • Detailed control:
    Customize display names for flows and their order.
What’s Next for Launchpads?
Soon, customers on Growth and Enterprise plans will be able to integrate their support documentation tool with Launchpads, enabling users to find more of what they need without leaving the product.
🚀 Ready to dive in?
Launchpads is now in Beta and available for all web customers on all plans. Customers on Essentials plans can have one Launchpad published at a time. Customers on Growth and Enterprise plans can have unlimited Launchpads published at a time. Log in to Appcues to build your first one. Not ready? Take a quick tour or read our support doc for more info.
⭐️ What are Identifiers?
Identifiers are properties you can use to easily recognize your Users & Accounts within Appcues.
💡 What can I do with Identifiers?
Now, set Identifiers in your Settings to replace User & Group IDs with something more meaningful (like Full Name and Company Name) across all Appcues reports. 🎉 This update enhances reports for Flows, Pins, Banners, and Events Explorer by displaying more useful information than just IDs.
So instead of this:
Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 3
You’ll see something like this:
Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 3
Plus, your homepage recently got an update with a new section of Recent Users & Accounts, which lets you see the Users and Accounts that were most recently active in your product. ✨
Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 3
🚀 Ready to dive in?
To set a Global Identifier for Users & Accounts, Open the Settings page in Appcues. For more information, read our support doc.
Note: Only your Appcues Admin has access to change this Setting.
If you haven’t started sending group data yet (i.e. you aren't seeing any Recent Accounts), learn how to send data here.
Global Identifiers (1) (1)




Builder / Experiences


June 2024 Updates

What's New
New & improved 🆕✨
  • Survey Flows:
    You can now add multi-select questions to your surveys! This means users can choose more than one answer. Mix and match with other question types like ratings, radio buttons, and text inputs for valuable user feedback. Learn more. 🎉
  • Flow Settings
    : The settings page for Flows (web only) has a new look and some new features!
  1. Flow Name and Build URL now auto-save. No more forgetting to hit the 
     button! 🔥
  2. Page targeting can now contain nested/grouped conditions, allowing for more nuanced targeting.
  3. And the big one: 
    You can now use engagement with Mobile Flows, Pins, Banners, (and any condition types we add) as targeting criteria for your web Flows!
  • Pins:
    You can now use manual selectors for Pins even if the selector isn’t on the page. This helps when you can’t build directly in an iFrame.
  • Exporting Data:
    Our export requests are now much faster! What used to take a minute now takes just 7 seconds. ✨
  • Banners:
    Now, target Flows, Pins, and other experiences based on whether or not a user has seen or dismissed a Banner.
  • Mobile AI Writing Companion:
    Stuck with writer's block? Our new AI assistant helps you adjust the copy in your Flows, speeding up the publishing process and making your content shine. 🌟
  • Mobile Flows:
    You can now choose where to clone your steps. Clone them to the same group or a new one—it’s up to you!
  • Mobile Flows:
    Set a delay for your navigation steps. This means no more issues with steps showing up too soon.
    Note: Use mobile SDK versions 3.2.0 or higher.
  • Mobile Embeds:
    We’ve fixed several things to make Embeds for native mobile apps as smooth as Flows:
  1. Audience Targeting:
    Engagement with an Embed is now available criteria for targeting other experiences.
  2. Flow Priority:
    Manage priority easily.
  3. Flow Completion Actions:
    Trigger content with Embeds.
  4. User Profile Activity:
    See a user’s interaction with Embeds on their User Profile.
  5. Events Explorer:
    View data on clicks for Embeds alongside your other experiences.
  • Public API:
    The Appcues Public API now has endpoints for details, publishing and unpublishing Banners, Checklists, and our new version of Launchpads (coming soon).
Coming soon 🚧👀
  • Launchpads:
    Soon, create in-app resource centers that include on-demand flows, links, and more⎯automatically targeted to specific users and the page of your product they're on. All with no code! Sign up to get early access.
  • Global Identifiers:
    Soon, replace User IDs & Group IDs across reporting in Appcues with something more useful (like Full Name and Company Name). 🎉
  • List of Recent Customers:
    Soon, see a list of Users & Accounts that most recently logged in to your product right on the Appcues Overview page.
Bug fixes 🐛💥
  • Mobile Flows:
    Mobile Flows now show the correct eligibility state on the User Profile’s eligibility tab.
💡 What are in-app surveys?
In-app surveys are a great way to ask users for information and feedback while they are in the moment (for significantly higher response rates than email 🚀).
⭐️ What's new?
We've added a new survey question type⎯multi-select! Allow your users to answer questions by selecting one or more responses.
Combine multi-select with other question types like ratings, radio selects, short and long text inputs, and more to create a variety of impactful surveys. For ideas and tips, read our blog post.
Multi-Select Surveys
🚀 Ready to dive in?
Multi-select questions are available for all customers on all plans (simply update the Appcues Chrome Extension to the latest version) and build a new Flow to create a survey with a multi-select question. For additional help or to launch your first survey flow, check out the support doc.



Builder / Experiences


May 2024 Updates

What's New
New & improved 🆕✨
  • iFrame Support:
    Does your application use iFrames? Now, you can enhance user experiences in your application without needing to install the Appcues SDK directly in individual iFrames. 🎉 Read on to learn more.
  • Builder:
    SVG elements can now be targeted for Tooltips, Hotspots, Pins and Click-to-Track Events.
  • Settings Navigation:
    We’ve made it easier to manage your Appcues settings with an expanded Navigation menu.
  • Accessibility:
    We're making in-app experiences more accessible by improving user focus in surveys and checklists, refining radio button functionality and error messages, and adding alt text to images without descriptions. For more details, chat with our team. Some highlights include:
  1. Setting a default focus on checklists and flow surveys
  2. Treating the rating block like radio buttons (per a11y standards)
  3. Enhancing checklist item descriptions for screen readers
  • Mobile Surveys:
    Create an NPS-like survey in your native mobile app using our Rating Survey Type, which now supports a maximum value of 11 and has orientation options. ✨
Coming soon 🚧👀
  • Launchpads:
    Soon, create in-app resource centers that include on-demand flows, links, and more⎯automatically targeted to specific users and the page of your product they're on. All with no code! Sign up to get early access.
  • List of Recent Customers:
    Soon, see a list of Users & Accounts that most recently logged in to your product right on the Appcues Overview page.


Builder / Experiences

Build seamless Flows across iFrames

What are iFrames?
iFrames, or Inline Frames, let you embed one web page within another. They are often used to include forms, media, or other types of content in your application.
What's New?
Does your application use iFrames? Now, you can enhance user experiences in your application without needing to install the Appcues SDK directly in individual iFrames. 🎉 This makes it easier to:
  • Publish Flows that target elements within an iFrame.
  • Build Flows that target elements both within and outside an iFrame in a single Flow.
  • Create a checklist that launches a Flow targeting elements in an iFrame.
Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 10
🚀 Ready to Get Started?
iFrame support is now available to all customers on all plans. Log in to Appcues to start building or read our support doc for more information.






April 2024 Updates

What's New
New & improved 🆕✨
  • Public API:
    The Appcues Public API now also supports full User Profile deletion. You can use this endpoint as part of your Appcues QA workflow to re-test experiences using the same test user. Example use cases:
  1. Reset a completed or partially completed checklist
  2. Reset eligibility for a Flow that had conditions based on another Flow’s events
  3. Reset a dismissed banner
  • Goals:
    Goals now appear in the Events Explorer so you can track key conversion behaviors better. To make it easier to get there, you can quickly navigate from a Goal to the Events Explorer via individual Goal analytics or Goal Completion Reporting. This lets you see a more in-depth analysis of that Goal, like a full list of users who completed it.
Goals to Events Explorer
  • Webhooks:
    Custom webhooks now include the URL where the event occurred, helping you configure additional automation with your other tools.
  • Mobile:
    Create branched experiences for your native mobile Flows by configuring an Action to “Jump to a Custom Step” within another step group.
Coming soon 🚧👀
  • Launchpads:
    Soon, create in-app resource centers that include on-demand flows, links, and more⎯automatically targeted to specific users and the page of your product they're on. Sign up to get early access.
  • List of Recent Customers:
    Soon, see a list of Users & Accounts that most recently logged in to your product right on the Appcues Overview page.
  • New Settings Navigation:
    Soon, it’ll be easier to manage your Appcues settings with an updated Navigation menu.
What's changed?
Skip the spreadsheet––survey responses now appear right where you want them––inside Appcues. Now, watch the feedback roll in directly alongside analytics.
Plus, you still have the option to export a full CSV of responses or automatically pass responses to Google Sheets, Slack, Airtable, and more.
What are in-app surveys?
In-app surveys are a great way to ask users for information and feedback while they are in the moment (for significantly higher response rates than email 🚀).
Use ratings, radio selects, short and long text inputs, and more fields to create a variety of impactful surveys. For ideas and tips, read our blog post.
🚀 Ready to dive in?
Responses are live and available for any Flow launched that contains survey fields. Scroll down on an individual Flow analytics page to see responses (you may need to update the date filter to match when responses came in as the default is the last 7 days). For additional help or to launch your first survey flow, check out the support doc.
⭐️ What is localization?
Easily onboard, educate, and support users in their native language with AI-powered localization for mobile apps.
💡 What can I do with localization?
Translate your flows in seconds into multiple languages while preserving a personalized touch for each user, ensuring your app resonates globally. Welcome users, drive adoption, and make important announcements in your app, all within a user's native language⎯in a matter of minutes.
Take a peak at how fast it is:
Mobile Localization
🚀 Ready to dive in?
Chat with our team to add localization to your Appcues plan. Customers with localization already enabled for web flows can start localizing mobile flows immediately. For help getting started, check out our support doc.
Localization is available for iOS, Android, Flutter, Ionic, and Reactive Native frameworks.
We recommend Appcues Mobile customers update their apps to SDK Version 3.1.0 to use Localization.
If you haven't added Appcues Mobile to your account, try it today or chat with our product experts.
What's New
New & improved 🆕✨
  • Accounts:
    View a complete list of accounts, track their adoption over time, and target them more efficiently. Learn more about Accounts in the full post. 🎉 And now, within an individual Account Profile, change the header from Group ID to Company Name (or something else) by putting another field as the first column of the Account List, using this Column Manager icon:
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 2
  • Goals:
    More easily measure new user activation and key conversion behaviors with
    Goal Achieved
    activity appearing in the Events Explorer. View a list of users who achieved the Goal, track performance over time, and filter goal completions by segment or date. 🎉
  • Mobile Localization:
    Mobile customers using localization can now use AI to translate the copy in their experiences to other languages quickly.
  • Appcues <> HubSpot Integration:
    Our integration helps connect in-app messages with your HubSpot campaigns. We’ve recently added enhancements, including support for Company Records, Builder button event support, passing NPS to the Contact Record, and more. Read on to see the full list.
  • Flow history:
    View the history for a list of who published, unpublished, or pushed changes to a web Flow, and when the changes were made.
  • Integrations:
    Ever wanted to connect Appcues to your CRM or marketing automation tool? Find available integration options on our new page.
  • Launchpad:
    Within the settings of a Flow, the Launchpad section has been enlarged to make it easier to spot and configure Flows that show up in Launchpad. P.S. An improved, no-code version of Launchpad is in the works⎯sign up for early access.
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 2
  • Button Track Events:
    Analyze and automate follow-up for users who click buttons in your Flows, Pins, and Banners. For instance, add a button that says ‘Email me about this’ to your Flow, then automatically send an email or track the number of users who click the button when you send the button event to HubSpot, Amplitude, Heap, Google Analytics, FullStory and more. You can also create custom integrations using the Appcues Javascript API’s
    Note: For mobile Flows, you need to unpublish and republish the experience to send the event.
Coming soon 🚧👀
  • Launchpads:
    Soon, create in-app resource centers that include on-demand flows, links, and more⎯automatically targeted to specific users and the page of your product they're on. Sign up to get early access.
  • Survey Responses in Studio:
    Soon, survey responses will show up right where you want them⎯inside Appcues (without the export). Email Lindsey to join the beta group. 🚀
Bug fixes 🐛💥
  • Experiences:
    The Flows, Pins, and Banners list pages will load faster within the Appcues Studio.
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