


February 2023 Updates

What's New
Hey there, reader! 👋 
Our release notes are getting remodeled. 🔨🪛 Moving forward, we’ll be sharing them according to the calendar month. They will also be shorter and more succinct–making it
easier for you to read. 🥂
New & improved ✨
  • Localization:
    Take a flow that has been localized in different languages and reverse the process with our new ‘Remove translations’ option. Removing the localization on a Flow lets you make edits without the need to clone the Flow over and over again. 🥳
  • Appcues Mobile:
    Quickly change the relative position of mobile modals with our new positioning settings. Easily choose from Top, Middle, or Bottom. 🔼 ⏹️ 🔽
  • Appcues Mobile:
    You can now build a mobile flow across different screens with our new navigation option. That means you can redirect users directly to a target screen when they reach a particular step in a flow.
Bug fixes 🐛💥
  • Chrome extension:
    Fixed an issue where some customers were having issues opening the Appcues Builder. If you are still experiencing issues, make sure your Appcues Chrome extension is up to date (6.120.5 or higher).
  • Builder:
    Fixed an issue where flows were restarting at the first step after navigation step in the preview.