⭐️ What are Identifiers?
Identifiers are properties you can use to easily recognize your Users & Accounts within Appcues.
💡 What can I do with Identifiers?
Now, set Identifiers in your Settings to replace User & Group IDs with something more meaningful (like Full Name and Company Name) across all Appcues reports. 🎉 This update enhances reports for Flows, Pins, Banners, and Events Explorer by displaying more useful information than just IDs.
So instead of this:
Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 3
You’ll see something like this:
Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 3
Plus, your homepage recently got an update with a new section of Recent Users & Accounts, which lets you see the Users and Accounts that were most recently active in your product. ✨
Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 3
🚀 Ready to dive in?
To set a Global Identifier for Users & Accounts, Open the Settings page in Appcues. For more information, read our support doc.
Note: Only your Appcues Admin has access to change this Setting.
If you haven’t started sending group data yet (i.e. you aren't seeing any Recent Accounts), learn how to send data here.
Global Identifiers (1) (1)